Commitment comes from BEING and not doing
Hello beautiful soul
Most people love to hustle and Get S*it Done ... that was me a while back when I was setting up my online coaching business and working 16 hours a day.
To be honest, I still don't know what I was spending my time on but it was definitely not on my genius. No commitment to the being.
And then there are people who effortlessly work 16 - 20 hours a week and have a very successful business. Hah, fairytale and most of you think that's a bunch of BS.
I felt that too until this year when I consciusly started to implement Fridays OFF and only work 5-6 hours on other working days. I have a very devoted and committed practice of 90 minutes of deep work first thing in the morning. Work that makes the MOST difference in my business, in areas of branding, marketing and selling.
There is of course a bunch of activities that fall into these three pillars and I only focus on what I do best and outsource the rest. For example, this piece of content falls under selling :) ... facts! And if I would have someone else to write this it would be promotional selling. When I write it, I want to bring my current vibe and add experience and emotions to it ... because I want you to feel seen and understood. It's when I Get Super Deep.
I inspire people with my online presence because of my unique vibe. I get that a lot. It's my fierce devotion and dedication to show up for you and show you that you can BE, do and have whatever you desire.
And most of the time, that's all that I to do - an inspiration but never an action.
As a serial entrepreneur and business coach, with tons of credentials, I can teach you all day long about business strategies. But in reality, no one cares about my experiences, knowledge and what I have to say.
Let me give you a visual: Have you ever listened to a coach who had many smart things to say and you felt inspired at the moment but when you left the talk, seminar, workshop, or mastermind you haven't done anything with the information. It's because you haven't been intrinsically motivated, you haven't felt connected and your internal drive was not turned on.
People only get inspired to take aligned action based on how we make them feel and the energy we bring into our connection. I am unapologetic about activating your potential and helping you upgrade your Identity, Income and Impact. That's what I am all about. To motivate your internal drivers and to wake up the parts that will give you a sense of HECK YESS, I AM meant for more.
We manifest what we are, not what we do!
Commitment comes from BEING and not doing. Commitment is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.
There are two ways for me to help you activate your infinite potential and show you how to manifest the effortless life where you Connect with Your Purpose, Embody your Visions and Own Your Desires, shortly in the CEO Vibes club.
1. Most Affordable: Join Monthly CEO Vibes Membership with a $1 Trial
You get all the CEO Vibes recorded content and access to upcoming LIVE calls.
You have 7 days to cancel if you don't get the VIBE ;) and If you do, you pay $49 for a monthly membership (you can cancel anytime).
Join here Monthly Membership
2. Most Valuable: Join Yearly CEO Vibes Membership with a $1 Trial
You get all the CEO Vibes recorded content and access to upcoming LIVE calls and lifetime access to my Launch Academy, 5 Step Launch Blueprint and group coaching program for online experts who want to learn the easiest way to launch an online product or service, make more income, influence and impact, doing what they love.
You have 7 days to cancel if you don't get the VIBE ;) and If you do, you pay $490 for a yearly membership (you save 2 months + get access to Launch Academy).
Let's make this practical. If you drink Chai Latte (let's pretend we are chai besties for a second) 3 times a week and it costs around $3, you would pay $468 for that cup of pleasure on a yearly basis. Now, if you invest $490 into building your dream lifestyle ... imagine how much more chai lattes you would be able to have - maybe even some with me in person :), with even 5x ROI ... That's my least promise!
At least 5 times Return on your investment! If you don't make 5 times ROI in that year working with me and my team ... we will refund you $490!
That's a Fair deal, isn't it!
Now, you have a Question I assume ... what's happening in the CEO Vibes and Launch Academy over the next 5 months (I've got you covered for the whole year).
For the rest of 2022 in The CEO Vibes Club you will get:
- 5 Monthly Coaching Calls with me (90 mins)
- 5 Monthly Connection Calls (60 mins)
- 20 Weekly Money Mindset Book Club Calls (45 mins)
- Q4 Goal Setting Workshop (90 mins)
- 5 Full Moon Activation Calls (60 mins)
If you join a yearly membership for $490, in addition to The CEO Vibes club calls, you get access to Launch Academy calls:
- 5 Monthly Coaching Calls with me (90 mins)
- 5 Monthly Mastermind Calls (60 mins) with coach Rafal
- 5 Monthly Mastermind Calls (60 mins) with coach Konstantin
- 2 Day Virtual Business Retreat in November
Do you commit to taking aligned inspired action and to finishing 2022 playing full out?
See you here. We start on Monday 1st with Coaching Call inside the Launch Academy and Tuesday 2nd with Coaching Call inside the CEO Vibes.
Your Hype (aligned and inspired) Girl
P.S. If you have any questions regarding call schedule or content, please don't hesitate to send email to [email protected]